
Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm Sick of Not Posting Things,

So, I'm posting something.

For all I was a 4.0 undergrad, I can be an extremely slow study in other areas of life.

My dad has been suggesting for years that perhaps I would post more on my blog if I didn't pressure myself to make every post into a massive essay with some deeply insightful revelation. But, being an overachiever with a heavy dose of mule blood, I so far haven't listened.

But, I'm trying new things at this stage of my life, so why not?

It has struck me this week in Leicester that my life here is BEAUTIFUL and it's really kind of cruel of me not to share it with so many of you who would love it. I have been brought to this epiphany primarily by the weather, which has suddenly warmed to an entire 59 degrees today, and to above 40 for most of this week's highs. As a frank warm-weather creature, I have suddenly crawled out of my annual blanketed lair of February misery and realized that I'm in England and my life is awesome!

Here are some things I've really enjoyed lately:
 - walks in the Welford Road Cemetery (picture post coming soon!)
 - my two dance classes, and the girls in them!
 - have spent some more time hanging out with people from my department lately
 - the Paternoster lift in the Attenborough tower was out for two weeks but is working again...I may need a blog post on that, too, because that thing is one-of-a-kind.
 - I've had some excellent reading for classes, lately. And I've even finished most of it on time!
 - one of my dear flatmates lent me her grocery bag-on-wheels (Br.: trolley) to use any time, and I have been able to bring home so much more food with so much less pain to my injured shoulders and cranky spine.

I even pushed my sleeves up above my elbows while taking said grocery cart to and from Morrisons (the "supermarket") today!

Also, I still just really like the train that goes by my window at all hours of the day and night. I love living next to a train...or, really, to a railroad track with many trains. Sure, I have to backtrack the sound at least three times in any movie I watch, but there's something comforting and fascinating about the sound of a train. They're so regular in their mechanical repetitions and their stop-watch time tables, but they're also so free in their intense motion - as they rush past you in a whirl of power and dust, they seem unhasped, as if they could go anywhere. When you see or hear one go past, it could be going to Birmingham or Glasgow, London or Cardiff, or off to the end of the world for all I know. Trains are adventuresome, yet disciplined.Trains are so ordinary, and yet so fantastical.

I wish I could take the train home with me when I go. But since I can't, I'll share it with you.

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